Chris Rakotomamonjy 1999年8月8日〜11日にフランスから日本にやってきたペンパルとついに会いました。 |
成田空港にて撮影 (1999/08/08) |
Bill Rooks 1999年9月11日から12日にかけて、Bill Rooksと会いました。ちょうど、私がSanJoseに出張していたので車で2時間ほどのところからわざわざ送り迎えしてもらいました(^^; |
Billの自宅にて撮影(1999/09/12 sun) |
Seal impression samples for Bill
No.1 ….. |
to prepare, to provide or to furnish. flow. |
No.2 ….. | |
the beauty or the beatiful. I don’t know but probably emerald color, I think.. |
No.3 ….. | |
tails or the ends. I don’t know but probably emerald color, I think.. |
No.4 ….. | |
or the day. to stop. |
These are my idea and my thinking.
I took the proper meaning to each word. Therefore these might not be correct
Seal impression samples for Betty
No.1 ….. | |
‘s meaning is the neighborhood or the lakeside. the garden or an open space. |
No.2 ….. | |
the neighborhood or the lakeside. an emperor. |
No.3 ….. | |
the neighborhood or the lakeside. fidelity or honor. |
I’m sorry it took long time.
There are few word fitting the word “Betty”.
Pronounciation of upper words are all “BE TEI”. Sorry, I couldn’t
find the proper word a part of “tty”.
I think No.1 or No.2 is good! It’s difficult to select the best image of all.
Which is the best, Betty ?